1 February 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Online presentation on "Digital-Ready policymaking"

GRNET is organizing an online presentation on digital-ready policymaking. The presentation will explore the European Commission’s perspective on digital-ready policymaking and explain what digital-ready policymaking is, why it is important and how to implement it. 

With the example of Denmark as a case study, it will be shown how digital-ready policies one can achieved, by rolling out a light-weight process to screen all legislation and gradually increase the maturity and transparency of digital considerations in the policy-making process. 

Finally, the presentation will focus on elucidating the provisions on better regulation in the Greek legal system and the evolution of better regulation will be explored, drawing a connection to the institutional role of the Hellenic Parliament within the legislative process.

This connection will pave the way for an examination of the newly introduced Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) platform and the potential integration of "Mitos" system in the parliamentary workspace.

In this regard, the collaboration between the Hellenic Parliament and GRNET will be investigated, emphasizing the possibility of knowledge exchange and the utilization of existing solutions, both on a national scale and within the European context, such as LEOS and Joinup. The presentation will conclude with an attempt to map the actions of parliament onto the fundamental structural elements of digital ready policy making.


Thursday 01.02.24 | 16:00 - 17:30



(The link to the video conference will be sent after registration)


Zsofia Sziranyi | Team leader & Programme manager, DG DIGIT, European Commission

Zsofia Sziranyi is leading the digital-ready policymaking team of the European Commission. Her aim is to facilitate smooth digital implementation of public policies by bringing colleagues with diverse profiles (covering domain, business process, data, ICT or implementation expertise) together early on in the policy design. She believes in the power of co-creation and knowledge-sharing and that inspiring projects often start over an informal coffee with a pinch of open mindset and a great deal of enthusiasm.  

Kristoffer Nilaus Olsen | Head of the secretariat for digital-ready legislation, Danish Agency for Digital Government

Kristoffer works with government ministries on a daily basis to ensure that legislative proposals are drafted in accordance with principles for digital-readiness and that their digital implications are well described before their presentation for Parliament. Kristoffer is M.Sc. in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science and B.Sc. in Business Administration and Computer Science from Copenhagen Business School. Prior to joining the agency he worked for 10 years as a management consultant specializing in digital government. He has also been lucky to spend time in the European Parliament and in the House of Commons.”

Dr. Fotis Fitsilis | Parliamentary researcher  

Dr. Fotis Fitsilis brings over two decades of professional experience in scientific roles across both private and public sectors. Since 2009, he is Head of the Department for Scientific Documentation and Supervision at the Scientific Service of the Hellenic Parliament. He has been Visiting Professor for parliamentary procedures and legislative drafting at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Lecturer at the National School of Public Administration and Local Government in Athens.  In 2017, he co-founded the Hellenic OCR Team, a crowdsourcing initiative for the study of parliamentary data. He has an academic background in law, economics, and engineering, while also holding a doctoral degree in electrical engineering.


  • Welcome note | Introduction – Charis Vassiliou - Digital Strategy and Innovation Manager | GRNET
  • Presentations
    • Zsofia Sziranyi | Digital-ready policymaking in the European Commission
    • Kristoffer Nilaus Olsen | Leveraging the legislative drafting process as a stepping stone toward digital policy-making
    • Dr. Fotis Fitsilis | The parliamentary perspective of better regulation in Greece
  • Q&A | Questions, answers and discussions that hasn’t been handled during the presentation
  • Wrap up | Charis Vassiliou



90 minutes