
Registration Form

Opened 1 Mar 2018
Closed 7 Sep 2018

Grant for young scientists to attend the conference, are available PhD students and Early Career Investigators (who have obtained their PhD degree in 2010 or after) from eligible VI-SEEM countries can apply for a limited number of grants to attend the conference. The granted participants will be reimbursed up to 650 Euro for accommodation and travelling. In order to apply for the grants candidates should submit their CV by e-mail to vi-seem-tb {at} Deadline for applications: 25 April 2018. Granted candidates will be informed via e-mail after the deadline and must send their flight tickets and accommodation booking 7 days after the notification to gurov {at} to secure their grants. Otherwise, their grants will be revoked and assigned to other candidates. The granted candidates must attend all the sessions of the conference and sign the attendance list in order to obtain their grants. Eligible VI-SEEM countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, FYROM, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.